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Another Tire Recycler Enters the Fray

Writer: Notch Notch

From the Maryville Daily Forum in Maryville, Missouri comes news that another tire recycler is entering the market for recycled carbon black. The paper reports that a new company, Carbolytic Materials Company (CMC), is about one month away from opening its pilot plant for a new carbon black alternative process in Maryville. Groundbreaking for the facility was held in November 2008, according to the company. CMC has research facilities in St. Louis, Missouri and a sales office in Hudson, Ohio.

The plant will recycle passenger tires to produce a carbon black alternative that the company is marketing as ApexCM. In the process, CMC will be taking rubber chips — primarily tire shred — and running them through a cooker, which will convert the rubber tire product into raw carbon black. That product will then be ground into a fine dust powder. A binder will be added to pelletize the carbon black alternative. According to the company, the recovered carbon black can be used in automotive, agricultural, construction and industrial rubber applications. According to the company’s website, rubber or plastic products that normally use N700 or N900 carbon black can use ApexCM. Certain applications that use N500 and N600 may also be able to use the material.

Offgases from the process will be recovered and turned into a diesel fuel and a light oil type product. Steel recovered from the tires will be sent to a steel product to a recycling center in St. Joseph. The new plant will initially have 12 employees, and has the potential to employ a total of 35 employees after expansion, according to a company spokesman. The 25,000 square-foot building incorporates production, testing, and office facilities. Initial capacity is 15,000 tons of tires per year, producing 5,000 tons of carbon black replacement. The plant has the potential to expand to 60 tons of rubber per day.

On its website, the company describes its process as follows:

Carbolytic Materials Company (CMC) uses a process that melts scrap rubber and subsequently catalytically “cracks” the polymeric materials back to oil and gas. The remaining solid materials consist principally of the original carbon black materials, which are recovered in a manner that retains their reactivity and usefulness in rubber products. Subsequent finishing steps assure the production of an effective black reinforcing and tinting material that is available commercially today (ApexCM™).

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